Saturday, September 26, 2015

Am Ende der Nacht (26.09.2015)

Schlafend zwischen alten Buchseiten,
Ich träume von Prinzen und Helden,
Mit dem Duft von Papier und Farbe
Lebt es sich gut in fernen Welten,

Mein Bewusstsein mag stark sein,
Und Worte sind die stärkste Waffe
Doch fernab von dem hellen Schein,
Bin ich der Schatten, wenn ich schlafe

Kein Versteck vor den Albträumen
Kein Entrinnen vor seiner Macht
Doch zwischen den Zeiträumen,
Zwischen schlafend und erwacht

Spüre ich die friedliche Amnesie
Der Funke, der mich ausmacht
Dies zu vergessen wollte ich nie
Doch tat ich dies am Ende der Nacht

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mein geliebtes Ungeheuer (24.09.2015)

Wo ist das Pochen in meiner Brust?
Nicht ein Funke bringt die Hoffnung zurück
So sehnend, doch ich bin auf der Flucht
Wer dich jagt, läuft fort von dem Glück

Ich erinnere die dunklen Tage,
Als wären sie niemals vorbeigegangen
Und ich erinnere die eine Frage
Als spüre ich immer noch ein Verlangen

Wo ist die Sehnsucht in meinem Herzen?
Das letzte Zeichen, das letzte Feuer?
Ich will die Liebe und die Schmerzen
Gib mir zurück, mein geliebtes Ungeheuer

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fool (10.09.2015)

You don't have curves, you're still a child
That's what they always say
Honey, you're too small and much too wild
That's why I'm always alone on Friday

I am a runaway
When it comes to love
And no one makes me stay
I'm a fool
And I can not help it,
I'm just a little bit oldschool
It always ends with broken hope
So why should I try it one more time?

You are so wonderful like nobody before
That's what I am trying to tell
But I'm none of the girls that you adore
So I'm going silently through the hell

I am a runaway
When it comes to love
And no one makes me stay
I'm a fool
And I can not help it,
I'm just a little bit oldschool
It always ends with broken hope
So why should I try it one more time?

How about running away with me
Wouldn't it be worth a try?
How about chasing dreams with me?
At the end you can still say goodbye

I am a runaway
When it comes to love
And no one makes me stay
I'm a fool
And I can not help it,
I'm just a little bit oldschool
It always ends with broken hope
So why should I try it one more time?

Goodbye to the chances (09.09.2015)

Somewhere between tears and a lot of dreaming
There is a space I could fill up with you
Nothing has ever made me sadder
Than all the dreams I dreamed about you

We could have much more than blessing
But instead you just throwed it away
Maybe I was not the girl you wanted
But I am not waiting for another day

So I say goodbye to the chances
Goodbye to the dreams
I am not sorry for being me
Or for the things I did
So I say goodbye to you, boy
Goodbye to the future
And to all the plans I had

Somwhere in the midst of hatred and doubt
May be a place just for love
I never made jokes about the dreams I had
Now I don't do anything, but laugh

So I say goodbye to the chances
Goodbye to the dreams
I am not sorry for being me
Or for the things I did
So I say goodbye to you, boy
Goodbye to the future
And to all the plans I had

But I am sorry for blindness
And I am sorry for the rose
I already died before you got it
It's okay, that's how it always goes

So I say goodbye to the chances
Goodbye to the dreams
I am not sorry for being me
Or for the things I did
So I say goodbye to you, boy
Goodbye to the future
And to all the plans I had

Friday, September 4, 2015

At the end of the night (04.09.2015)

I want no "forever"
I just want a shoulder to lean on
don't care about our future
everything I need is a slow song

We could both dance to
you could erase the loneliness
I'll make space in my heart
So you can put in the happiness

No dream may be so good,
That it would ever be enough
I wake up and want more,
But I was alone all night
So give me just this one dance
We'll be the same at the end of the night

I don't want a broken heart
I just want a strong hand to hold
Be nobody's accessory
'because they pollute your gold

And throw it away oneday
So promise me that you'll go
If I fall in love with you
Just pretend, that you don't know

No dream may be so good,
That it would ever be enough
I wake up and want more,
But I was alone all night
So give me just this one kiss
We'll be the same at the end of the night

Show me your purest side
And I'll show you art
Be my muse, my inspiration
And I'll give you my heart

My job is to find the spark,
That surrounds you
I write it down for eternity
That's just all I always do

No dream may be so good,
That it would ever be enough
I wake up and want more,
But I was alone all night
So give me just this one work of art
We'll be the same at the end of the night

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Just another night 03.09.2015

It's just another night
Just new written rhymes
And now one will ever know
That you were meant in this lines

It's easy to fall for a smile
When you wear it everday
And I know I can't resist
Because it's gonna be okay

The time will replace you
Like it always did before
Something will always remain
Even if I'll don't know you anymore..

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quelle meiner Inspiration (1.-2.09.2015)

Ein leichtes Kratzen von Feder auf Papier
Von Vers zu Vers und Wort für Wort
Ohne dich wäre ich nachts nicht hier
Dann wäre mein Kopf ein farbloser Ort

Du bist die Tinte, du lebst zwischen den Zeilen
Du bist die Stille, die keine Wörter braucht
Und schreit nichts lauter in all den Meilen
Als mein Herz, dessen Farben sind verbraucht

Ich war dort bei dir und doch auch wieder nicht
Fast greifbar war die Inspiration
Dies festzuhalten schien mir als Pflicht
Und als die einzig richtige Option

Danke für deine Kunst und deine Lieder
Für jedes Gefühl und jeden Ton
Niemand anders wäre mir lieber
Für die Queller meiner Inspiration