Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Liebe ist.../ Love is...

Erinnere jeden einzelnen Tag und jede einzelne Träne
In Traurigkeit und in Schmerz 
Liebe ist etwas Unsterbliches und ich spüre sie so sehr
Sie zerreisst und heilt all die Wunden
Erinnere jedes Lächeln und jedes einzelne Wort
In Sehnsucht und in Angst
meine Liebe ist viel stärker als jeder Hass auf der Welt
Spüre jedes Gefühl und jeden Gedanken tief in mir
In Liebe und in Vergebung
Spüre ich den Frieden in meinem kleinen Herzen
Und nicht eine Träne ist verschwendet
So weiß ich, die Liebe ist nichts, was sich mit Worten sagen lässt
Doch in Traurigkeit in Schmerz,
In Sehnsucht und Angst,
Sogar in Liebe und Vergebung
Wirst du immer der sein, den ich liebte... so sehr...

Remember every single day and every single tear
In sadness and in pain
Love is something deathless and I feel it so much
It tears  and heals all the Wounds
Remember every smile and every single word
In desire and in fear
my love ist much stronger as every hatred in the world
feel every feeling and every thought deep inside me
In Love and in forgiveness
I feel peace in my little heart
Und no tear is wasted
So I know, Love ist nothing, you can say with words
But in sadness in pain
In desire and in fear
even in Love and forgiveness
You always will be the one who I loved.. so much..

I won't go (5.11.12)

After a long break :) Hope you enjoy :D

They said all I can do is to keep him in my heart
But they didn't know that he breaks it apart
The first time that this love hurts so bad
and now my heart is full of deep, deep sadness
But if I get a chance, I will do it again

You are my blessing and my curse
you heal the wounds you make
His words are my way into reality
I've wasted too much time in my dreams
You are my addiction, and I'm caught
The key of fate is in my hands
But I won't go

After this long time their words are still hurting
But I put the blade out of my hand long ago
The first time I was afraid of the end
And now I know, everything goes on and on
Maybe I will be able to forgive me

You are my blessing and my curse
you heal the wounds you make
His words are my way into reality
I've wasted too much time in my dreams
You are my addiction, and I'm caught
The key of fate is in my hands
But I won't go

Last night was crazy, but now everything is gone
And a hollow pain let me fall out of clouds
all I can do is to keep my memories in my heart
The time will heal all the wounds we made

You are my blessing and my curse
you heal the wounds you make
His words are my way into reality
I've wasted too much time in my dreams
You are my addiction, and I'm caught
The key of fate is in my hands
But I won't go...