Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blessing or course?

Hello, I'm back again :)
Sorry, If the poem doens't sound in english good, but in German I think it sounds really cool and I just want to show you ! :)


Die Liebe trägt ihren Namen in Verborgenem
Flüche wie ein Eishauch, schweben in deinen Augen
Tränen wie Feuerströme versenken dir die Seele,
Die Liebe trägt ihre schneidendes Schwert in deinen Händen..
Ist sie, wonach wir suchen, wonach wir sehnen?
Und ist Sehnsucht der Beweis, dass sie richtig ist?
Deine Trauer ist es, die ich fortjagen werde..
Denn mein Segen ist, dass ich dich liebe..

Love wears its name in hidden
Courses like a ice breath hover in your eyes
Tears like fire flows burn your soul,
Love wears its tapping sword in your hands..
Is it, what we are looking for, what we are craving for?
And is desire the proof that it is right?
Your sorrow is what I'm chasing away...
Cause my blessing is, that I love you

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Already gone(15.9-16.9.2012)

Hello guys :) Sorry, that I didn't write anything for a long time but sometimes you write a lot and sometimes you have no idea. But I'm back with a new song and here it is :)

Hope you enjoy :)

Will you save what we had or let you die it in your arms
I've been thinking for so long, but the voice inside my heart
is crying so much, I believed and hoped but it crashed to the ground
I tried to give you up cause my love died long ago

Let it end here and now, we are no longer be able look away
Let it rest in peace, That is the way I want leave
Do you remember the sparkle in our eyes
I am tired of your girls and all the broken hearts
My heart doesn't belongs to you any more
So keep going cause I'm already gone

You called me avenging angel and I think I pleased
You can't deny that I wasn't the one cause I did the same
I tried to believe but my eyes were wide open and I was awake
Let me sleep tonight for the last time in your arms

Let it end here and now, we are no longer be able look away
Let it rest in peace, That is the way I want leave
Do you remember the sparkle in our eyes
I am tired of your girls and all the broken hearts
My heart doesn't belongs to you any more
So keep going cause I'm already gone

Forget me, my boy
You won't need me
Leave me, my boy
Even though I need you
Maybe you look back one last time
And see, I loved you in an way

Let it end here and now, we are no longer be able look away
Let it rest in peace, That is the way I want leave
Do you remember the sparkle in our eyes
I am tired of your girls and all the broken hearts
My heart doesn't belongs to you any more
So keep going cause I'm already gone

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Soul and Love :) / Seele und Liebe :)

Wehmut schwebt in meinen Erinnerungen
Ich war da, ich weiß es noch ganz genau
Traurigkeit liegt über meinen Träumen
Heute bin ich nicht mehr, wo ich war

Verblasste Seele, ergraute Seele
Sag mir, wieso spürst du nichts mehr
Verleugnete Seele, verlorene Seele
Versuche wieder zurück zu finden
Zerbrochene Seele, zerrissene Seele
Sag mir, wieso bist du so müde?

Wistfulness hovers in my memories
I was there, I know it very well
Sadniss is above my dreams
Today I'm not where I was

Faded sould, grayed soul
Tell me, why you fell nothing more
Denied sould, lost soul
Try to find back again
Broken Soul, torn sould
Tell me, why are you so sad?

Eine Erinnerung an dich und wie es war
Eine Liebe, die gewachsen ist und besteht
Sie sind bestimmt nur mir alleine zu gehören
Die Gefühle so stark, dass sie schmerzen
Die Sehnsucht so stark, dass es zerreisst
Sie sind bestimmt von mir geliebt zu werden
Du weinst und weinst, vor Glück, vor Trauer
bis nichts mehr als nur Liebe bleibt
Pure Liebe, pures Glück, spürst du erst dann
Wenn die Worte schon lange nicht mehr reichen... Erinnere dich...

The memory of you and how it used to
A love, who is grown and stays
They are determined to belongs only me
The feelings so strong that it hurts
The desire so strong that it torns
You cry and cry, for bliss and for sadness
Till nothings stay than the love
pure Love, pure bliss, you only feel
When the words are not enough since long ago...remember...